Welcome to the Human Storyboard.
On this platform, you will find stories of heroes in the most unlikely costumes, people who’ve used trauma to shape their characters and people who are still (as we all are), becoming. This is a platform in which we can thread our narratives and be bold about being vulnerable. These stories represent the core of the human condition – that which makes us connect, understand, reflect and conquer. It is a testament to the power of the human spirit and a testament to what happens when we choose to break the silence.
We are navigating through one of the most unique times in history. It is important to take time off for your mental health. Pause the kids, pause the cooking, pause the cleaning (just for 1 hour) and join other ladies to breathe and be inspired. Our sessions run every Saturday from 5-6pm.
Check out our events page for more information
The human storyboard shares blogs and stories of interesting people who are silent martyrs – some known, many unknown, until they are featured here. These stories represent the best of the human condition.
Would you like your story on our website?
Contact: Bianca@humanstoryboard.co.za
(Story selection is at the sole discretion of the Human Storyboard).