Use it to flesh out your prospect lists with the most up-to-date email addresses for anyone in the company you’re trying to contact. When you’re reaching out to request a link, it’s important to know exactly who you should be talking to. The right link-building tools help you cut down on the time it takes to source those links.

It is included as a separate tool because it is sold separately from their Link Prospector tool. Overall, it is a useful link-building tool but does not offer any other bells or whistles. Linkody will also help you create a disavow file that you can upload to Google to avoid penalties due to spammy links. While the strategy is simple, actually finding a link that’s broken isn’t.

Link Hunter shines in its ability to discover and auto-fill email addresses instantly, speeding up the outreach process. A variety of built-in email templates are available to quickly lay the groundwork for your message, and these can be personalized with dynamic fields as required. Should a website only have a contact form, Link Hunter allows form submissions directly from the platform, obviating the need for opening new website tabs. It facilitates the management and organization of your entire link-building campaign from start to finish, allowing your team to work seamlessly together. It is also very cost-effective, although it does have premium plans, the majority of HARO’s features are available to you, GSA link building software as an expert, for free.

Google even provides helpful resources to facilitate the URL-building process. is an excellent link-building resource for those seeking an affordable, adaptive solution to SEO needs. Pitchbox does not have a public GSA Search pricing page because it offers customized pricing packages. Since there is no Ahrefs free trial, you can use the free tools as long as you wish. With so many tools on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one.

Use it to identify sites with a high domain rating that aren’t linking to you yet. HARO is a link-building tool that allows you to find GSA link building software opportunities by connecting with journalists and bloggers. This is a great way to get high-quality links from authority websites. HARO includes various other features, such as media lists and pitch templates.

But for those looking to tidy up or supplement existing processes, a tool geared towards a specific area of link building will grant more flexibility. I’m an entrepreneur and digital marketing consultant from Bangalore, India. You can use this information to get backlinks from similar websites and find out which is the most linked page on your website. Download these link reports once a month to compare it to future reports.

It comes with an enormous database, making it easier for marketers to find prospects, reach out to them, and sell industry influencers through your content. It also gives you the feature to upload a CSV file with websites related to your niche to find contact information through an automated software system. 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine, and more than half of all website traffic comes from organic searches. This is especially true for the B2B industry, considering the extensive research effort buyers go through before making a purchasing decision. While tools like Buzzstream have ways to view website metrics, none of them are quite as direct and thorough as URL Profiler. Link Hunter keeps track of all the sites you’ve reached out to, updating you on the progress and whether a link has been acquired yet.

In this guide, we’ve reviewed and compared the best link building tools, GSA SER verified targets so that you can pick the best one for your needs. The review was performed by an experienced SEO expert with years of hands-on experience with link building campaigns. For each tool, you’ll learn the pros, cons, pricing, and how we use it. Link building boosts domain authority and, therefore, SERP rankings.

How long can a URL be for SEO?

Browsers' URL length limits The appropriate page URL is 75 characters long. As for indexing documents with long URLs (over 75-120 characters), they are generally indexed quite well, although there may be difficulties in the ranking. Here you can check the maximum limits of URL length in different browsers.

If people can’t find your content on the search engines, they won’t be able to read it. You can use Ahrefs’ Site Explorer to analyze your competitors’ websites and find link-building opportunities. Once you get the list of keywords ranking on the second page, you can boost the ranking by linking it. It takes considerable effort and time to bring together all the key ranking factors. Ninja Outreach allows businesses to find prospects efficiently and build relationships with them.

Linkio is a cold outreach tool combining rank tracking and off-page SEO. But that changed in 2019 when Google started treating nofollow links as hints to inform rankings. This means that they won’t benefit you as much as a followed link, but they’re still beneficial. Mangools is an SEO toolset that comes with several different tools that are useful for link building. Semrush offers a highly limited free account you can use to try it out. There are dozens of different SEO tools in Semrush that can help with everything from keyword research to on-page optimization.

How do I create a link building in SEO?

  1. Ask for Links. Asking for links is when you actively contact a website and ask them to link to yours.
  2. Add Links. Adding links refers to going to another website and manually adding your link there.
  3. Earn Links. When you earn links, other websites link to yours without you asking them to.