Justine & Chris share on adoption:

We’ve just adopted a beautiful baby boy! This is our story of love in action. 
Before we had met, Chris and I desired to grow our family through adoption. Our conviction was based on our relationship with God and our understanding and experience of His unconditional love. 

The desire to grow our family of 3 amplified when our then 3 year old daughter requested a baby brother. She would pray for a baby brother every night and she even named him. Zoe told everyone, including her teachers that she was getting a baby brother even before we started the adoption process. It was Zoe’s persistence that prompted us to commence the process of adoption.

Like we did with Zoe, we prayed for our Joshua. We trusted the discernment of our socialworker to match us with a baby. Many times during the process I dreamed about Joshua. Throughout the 13 month wait, God prepared us and when Joshua arrived, he was the fulfillment of every dream I had. We had no trouble explaining adoption to Zoe, her baby brother was coming and that’s all that mattered to her. Their bond was instant and absolutely beautiful. Zoe says that she wants to have 5 children – 2 from her tummy and 3 adopted. 

Our family and friends loved Joshua even before he arrived.  Throughout the process they displayed overwhelming support. Joshua’s integration has been extraordinary and no different to what we experienced when Zoe arrived. 

The dynamics of our family sparks interest in the people we meet. This is a great conversation starter as we are always excited to share our journey when people show an interest in adoption. 
We still have a long way to go before our adoption is finalised but that doesn’t prevent us from celebrating the journey. 

For anyone considering adoption, our advice would be to take the first step and speak to an adoption agency or social worker. The adoption process can be long and emotional one but the love and joy receive makes everything worth the patience.